The two faces of History

Publié le par Cha

Recently, we started studying the Conquest of the West in America, during the 19th century. We've seen that since the coming of the Pilgrims Fathers, lots of new pioneers came to conquer this unknown and new continent.
To this end, they gradually travelled westward in order to expand their territory. But it wasn't an easy trip, because they had to face the wild endless landscapes, and the hostility of the natives. Luckily, they were eager to reach their goal, which was the West coast, and very daring too. Thanks to the willingness of these settlers, they saw their dream come true in 1890.
Many american people now consider these adventurers as heroes, but is it really legitimate ? Is this point of view totally objective ?
In my opinion, we can't deny the bravery of the pioneers and settlers, that needed to face lots of hardship to develop a new society in a very unwelcoming place. BUT, the slaughter of the Indians is totally missing in this vision of the American History. Indeed, it seems to me that the American State still hasn't recognized the massacre of the natives. We can even talk about genocide in this case, because plenty of pioneers, of cow-boys, were sure this land was due to them, and that it was their destiny to colonize it. In the 1830s, the United States led an Indian removal policy. But natives were already living there, and they didn't want to be evicted from their own country, that's why some tribes contested the europeans settlements, and defended their tribal lands .
But arrows haven't lot of power facing firearms.
Nowadays, some Indians reserves exist in America, but we can't say it is enought. For a people that suffered such violences, it would be fair that this part of History isn't forgotten. To honour the memory of this people, to respect the Indians, schools in America should teach both of the two parts of the Conquest of the West.

With this article, I really wanted to illuminated a different aspect of the Conquest of the West, because there are always many differents visions of a situation, of a historical event.
It seems that the USA aren't ready yet to admit such a massacre.
I chose this painting to illustrate the article and the American Indian War, which made a multitude of victims.

The two faces of History

Publié dans School Project

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