The importance of image

Publié le par Cha

The importance of image

Are good manners essential for living in society? Is it necessary to be a gentleman or a lady to succeed in life? Can the accent be a hindrance to conduct one's career? It is this set of issues that is raised in the extract of the movie Pygmalion we watched in class. Indeed, these questions still seem relevant: we are forced to note, for instance, the necessity to have the official accent to present the TV news. Similarly, we must point out the importance to have a neutral accent when we have a job which requires public speeches.
Therefore, is it necessary to belong to a certain
social class to hold important jobs with lots of responsabilities ? At first glance, I would say no, because everybody is equal, isn't it? Yet there is a way of expression, and an accent suggesting a good education in a wealthy background. It's not always easy to climb the social ladder, which does not work very well.
It highlights an important issue of our society: there aren't
equal opportunities since a worker's son will surely have to work much harder in order to become a doctor, than a doctor's son himself.
The image we are sending often betrays the
social environment we belong to, by our appearance itself, with our clothes, but also by our attitude.
inequalities have always existed, it is true, therefore this is not a recent problem. We may as well mention the fact that it will be way more difficult for a child from a modest background to achieve his goals and to fulfill his dreams, what is very unfortunate.
But how to overcome these hardships? An industrious work is necessary, sure, but the value of what you will achieve will be way more precious after that.
We always have to give ourselves the
means to succeed, because at the end, we're the only ones able to gather our strength to use it.
To conclude, I would say that it is important to always give our best,
to become our own hero, and to experiment upward mobility.


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