Percy Jackson♆

Publié le par Cha

 Percy Jackson♆

Today I'll talk about the first book I've read with pleasure, the one that gave me the taste of reading, I named Percy Jackson & the Olympians - The Lightning Thief (Ok, I know that it's a pretty long name).
Percy Jackson is a series of five novels for teenagers absolutely TERRIFIC. They follow the great destiny of Percy, 12, who discovers he is the son of one of the Olympian Gods, the ancient Greek gods. While he is on holiday with his mother, he is attacked by the Minotaur. For his own safety, he is sent to the Camp Half Blood, which gathers other greek demigods like him. There, he discovers that his father is actually Poseidon, god of the seas and oceans, and one of the "Big Three", with Hades, god of the Underworld and Zeus the god of sky and thunder.
In this colony, he will learn how to survive and learn how to fight, how to protect himself and his loved ones against the numerous mythological monsters that live on Earth and which are eager to eat demigod's flesh. But the son of Poseidon is quickly accused of stealing the sacred weapon of Zeus, his uncle, the
primitive lightning. In order to prove his innocence, he participates in a quest to recover the lost lightning. Accompanied by Annabeth, daughter of Athena, and his friend the satyr Grover, he's searching for Underworld, where the lightning was likely brought.
What they will discover is even more important than what they expected, and the enemy they will have to fight is even more terrifying and powerful.
Indeed, as Harry Potter has Lord Voldemort, Percy Jackson has an enemy that comes back, again and again, from book to book: the
Titan Cronus.

Personally, I think that what I like the most in this first book, thus pushing me to devour the following four, is mainly the manner and the ease with which the author has transplanted a credible mythological world in our modern society. Mount Olympus? Now at the top of the Empire State Building. The Sea of ​​Monsters, in which the ancient hero Odysseus was lost for 10 long years? Now the Bermuda Triangle, thus explaining the multiple disappearances of ships and planes in this area. Greece was the center of the world in ancient times. And now the USA are the first world economic power. Then, this is "logical" that the center of the mythology has became the USA. Rick Riordan, the author, has managed to mix suspense and humor brilliantly, all in a fantastic world of the most original ones.

I have read this series at least 6 times. I really hooked up with the story, the characters, and especially with the mythology.

Since then, the author has written a sequel to Percy's adventures in The Heroes of Olympus, which is also a series of five fantasy novels which mixes the same characters with new ones, from the Camp Jupiter, whom are romans demigods. But I didn't like this series as much as the first one because I find it more difficult to follow because unlike Percy Jackson who is always related at the first person, the views alternate between the 7 main characters. However, I've read them all anyway.

I must say, as often, the movie based on the book with Logan Lerman in Percy's role is rather disappointing compared to the book. But I've seen the movie twice at the cinema before reading the book because I already had a crush on the mythological aspect of the story. But well, I was young. As for the second movie, Sea of Monsters, it is downright badly built and recorded. Even kinda ridiculous. I absolutely don't recommend this movie, what is too bad because I really like this story.

As often (maybe even as always actually ) I'll put a link here. This is the trailer of the movie Percy Jackson : the Lightning Thief, because I just can't put you a trailer for the book. I hope to have given you want to read the book or at least to see the movie if you've never seen it.

I hope you have nice holiday everyone !

Publié dans Hobbies

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