♫ Come as you are ♫

Publié le par Cha

My new article is about one of my favourite band : NIRVANAAAAAA ! And especially about one of their songs.

Since weeks, I just can't stop to listen " Come as you are ".  The guitar riff is awesome, isn't it ? This single is from the album " Nevermind" released in 1992. Wrote by Kurt Cobain, his lyrics can be interpreted in various ways.

To me, this song is about tolerance. About to accept people just the way they are and don't try to make them change. This song is for people who feel different and who don't find their place in the society or simply in their friends band, in everyday life. It's also about people forced to act in contradiction with their nature just to make what is expected from them.

Some people thinks that is about heroin, because everybody knows that Kurt Cobain was taking drugs , but it's not my opinion. I prefer to believe it was a peaceful song.
When I listen to it, I feel lots of emotions and that is an important part of music : it must be emotional. 

I put the link of the music, in case you want to listen it. But it's the live version of the song because it's the version that I prefer. Enjoy !



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It's an interesting article, it explains very well the signification of the song and Nirvana is the best band ever.