Graffitis and Tags shouldn't be mistaken !

Publié le par Cha

Graffitis and Tags shouldn't be mistaken !

Since few decades a new type of engaged artists appeared in our countries. These faceless artists work secretly in our streets to denounce some unfair situations by painting on the walls of cities. I suppose you get it, I'm talking about graffiti artists and their graffitis! As this activity is illegal, most of them remain anonymous in order to protect their identity to avoid the police and legal sentences. Some of them use artistic nickname such as Banksy for example, who is obviously the most famous street artist. He is known worldwide for his political engaged work.

But it is necessary to keep in mind the illegal aspect of this kind of protest and artistic action. Nowadays, plenty of graffitis and tags are popping up all around towns, giving them a sort of dirty and unsafe aspect. Walls, properties, underground trains... nothing is spared, and it bothers people. Day by day, people are more and more fed up with it and they want it to stop. But unfortunately, they tend to forget that what they call vandalism are actually tags, and not graffitis, because there isn't any artistic approach or meaning behind, contrary to graffitis, which can be considered as part of street art. And street art is a kind of art totally free and accessible to anybody. It can touch and move lots of people, even if they aren't art experts, because the situation that is painted is actually common in their daily life. This is way less elitist. But most of statesmen and councillors just don't consider it as art at all. They use to think this is simply vandalism, without any distinction. They are convinced it makes cities uglier. It can be true in some situations, but it also tarnishes the image of street art.

To conclude, I think places where graffitis would be allowed should be established, as in the skateparks for example, which are places where most people don't go often. This would create places where graffiti artists could continue to express themselves  while limiting tags in cities.
In addition, sometimes, graffitis can really make something looks more beautiful as on the concrete walls or on storefronts.

Publié dans School Project

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